Monday, June 18, 2012

Pictures from Mogou: Ruth's visit!

The cotton truck came to collect the harvests of Mogou's cotton farmers... which is pretty much everyone. They weigh the cotton on site and then issue a receipt. Another truck is supposed to come soon with the payments.

Toby, ready for a walk around town.

Pounding fufu, a staple dish made from boiled yams pounded into a sticky jello-like ball. Really good with peanut sauce.

Heading into the marche

Ruth drinking tchouk at my neighbor's stand in the marche. Yum! ; )

Pictures from the Men As Partners Training of Trainers- Savanes Region

Me and Madame Rose leading a session called "What is Gender?"

Our newly-trained participants leading a practice session on violence with moto-taxi drivers

Participants from neighboring villages meeting to discuss plans for implementing MAP activities their communities

Pictures from the Women's Wellness and Empowerment Conference- Kara/ Savanes 2012

Learning about food groups in a nutrition session 

Our opening ice-breaker activity about diversity and helping each other 

The candlelight ceremony on the first night: Madame Rose passed the light around the circle of participants, explaining the importance of sharing the information we learn with our sisters
