Monday, September 20, 2010

Sit back and enjoy the flight

Bonjour from Paris! 
Our first leg of the trip to Lomé was a success, but not without some excitement. After a slight seat assignment mix-up that left 4 of our group, including myself, without boarding passes, I was relieved just to get on the plane.  About half-way through the airplane-created “nighttime,” I had settled into my window seat, watching the Disney documentary “Oceans.” Highly recommended, especially if you want to be sleepy at 8:00 pm trying to be 1:00 am.
Then, all of a sudden, a woman in the row behind me started screaming “JOHN! JOHN! Oh my God, JOHN!” She turned on the light, and I spun around to face a middle-aged man directly behind me who was completely unresponsive with his eyes half-open. Everyone was frozen for a second, and I was worried no flight attendants were rushing back, so I joined in, yelling for a doctor.  I told the woman I was CPR certified, and started checking his breathing and pulse by leaning over the seat… he was breathing and had a light pulse, so there was really nothing I could do and I couldn’t tell what was wrong with him. I had just climbed around the seats to move into his row when he came to, and a doctor and two nurses arrived. They couldn’t tell what was wrong with him either, and started discussing an emergency landing in Reykjavik. Sound familiar Mom and Dad? Remember the flight to Norway where the man had a seizure in the aisle next to me, right over Iceland? Bermuda triangle of the north…I’m telling ya.
Long story short, the guy was ok. They gave him an IV and we continued to Paris with no more problems. More adventure than I thought I would see so early in the trip!

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