Friday, September 17, 2010


Our “staging” session is the time for all of us Togo volunteers to meet each other, get shots, turn in final paperwork, and then head to the airport.  My flight out of Milwaukee was at 6:00 am yesterday morning, but I had no trouble waking up at 4:00. I didn’t feel nervous, but a strange combination of excited and sad to leave home. Luckily, the people of Milwaukee were in fine form and kept me together.  I gave my boarding pass and ID to the security man, with tears rolling down my face, Mr. Security Man wasn’t having it. “You’re smiling! It’s all ok! You can do it! Off you go!” On the plane, I had the pleasure of sitting behind a man who needed both seats in his row. And was playing Yahtzee with his wife across the aisle. At 6:00 am. On a plane with 12 rows total. Just the thing to take my mind off my nerves.
But I got to Philly soon enough, and had a great day of meeting my fellow volunteers and PC staff. It was just the beginning of what will be a long series of info sessions on rules, procedures, safety, etc, and was actually kind of exciting. Just being able to talk about the trip with others doing the same thing has been great.
Today our only organized activity was getting shots, so after that we walked around and explored. I don’t know if they planned it on purpose, but I’m spending my last 24 hours in the U.S. in the most Americana neighborhood possible: historic downtown Philadelphia. We saw the liberty bell, Ben Franklin’s house, Betsy Ross’ house, and then found out it’s Constitution Day today.  So patriotic! Now we’re sitting around, waiting for our bus to come and take us to the airport. And I’m wallowing in having internet and hot showers.  I think my worst thing so far has been the lack of cell phone. I left mine at home because it definitely won’t work in Togo, and I think I’m suffering from withdrawl. I keep reaching for it at tables, searching for it in my backpack, getting nervous that I’m missing something when I leave a room…Gonna take some getting used to.
Well I’m off! I’ll talk to you from Togo : )

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, honey! I'm so impressed and very proud of you --love you!
